A downloadable game for Windows

Hold Mouse 1: Fire left grapple hook
Hold Mouse 2: Fire right grapple hook
Shift: Pull towards grapple hook

E: Use Items

Bounce Bomb - Launch bouncy projectile. Release E for a momentum boost.

Block Base - A placeable block that acts as static terrain. Hold "E" to adjust its positioning, and release to place the block. Press "E" again to remove it.

WASD, Space, Ctrl: Standard

Yes, I love Attack On Titan. And Spiderman. And The Legend of Korra. I definitely have an idea for where I want this to go should I take it seriously. But before I can actually develop it, I want to perfect the fundamental mechanics.

Things I plan to add:

Wall Running
Adjustable Hook Trajectories?

Special thanks to Dani for his FPS Movement Rigidbody foundation.


GrappleWithTheePrototype0.0.5.1.zip 22 MB

Install instructions

Just unzip the folder and you're good to go.

Development log

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